Texas has strict frameworks guiding waste management in different business industries. As oil and gas companies generate various types of waste, they must adhere to several environmental state and federal laws. Failing to do so could result in negative public opinion, severe business consequences and environmental charges.
Oil and gas companies must follow waste management regulations strictly
Oil and gas operations generate diverse types of waste, such as drilling muds, produced water and solid waste. The Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) regulates hazardous and non-hazardous waste related to oil and gas procedures. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) also plays a crucial role in managing waste, focusing on environmental aspects, such as emissions, water discharge, water quality and solid waste. Oil and gas companies must follow the TCEQ and RRC regulations to ensure nearby communities’ safety and minimize environmental impacts. However, companies often face inadequate monitoring and improper disposal methods that could cause ecological contamination in the area.
Communities and environmental advocacy groups could pursue legal action against oil and gas companies
When oil and gas companies fail to comply with waste regulations, it could affect communities around the area. Improper waste disposal could result in health risks, environmental contamination and wildlife impact. Environmental advocacy groups would call out oil and gas companies when they found negligence in their operations, causing severe damage to the ecosystem. Local government units could also pursue legal action when oil and gas companies violate regulations.
Engaging in environmental litigation could affect a business’s image and credibility. A company’s integrity might be put at risk, especially now that technology makes public scrutiny easier. Addressing environmental concerns through litigation could be a strategic move for oil and gas companies to prove their stance and assert their rights.